When a patient asks, “why are your fees so high?”

Posted on January 2, 2017 by Sandy Pardue

Many patients are simply unfamiliar with dental work and the customary fees associated with it.  There are several verbal skills to use so that fees can be justified to a patient.

  • “Doctor  is very careful to make sure his fees are in line with what is considered customary.”
  • “We’re very proud of our fees as they speak to the quality dentistry provided by Dr. .
  • “People remember quality more than they remember a fee and Dr. _________ provides quality work.”
  • “The saying ‘you get what you pay for’ is also very true in dentistry. We value our relationship with you and will work hard to serve you in every way possible before, during and after any treatment.”
  • “Dr. _________ is an excellent dentist and has such an excellent reputation. He really goes the extra mile with every patient and is always available to you even on weekends and holidays”.


