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Handling Complaints of High Fees

Posted on August 15, 2013 by Sandy Pardue


When a patient says, your fees are too high show surprise and say, Our fees are too high? and wait for their response to see what they have on their mind. Sometimes people do not say what they mean. They might think it should cost less, or they may think they cannot pay the whole fee now. This is what you must find out. Ask,

__•What do you think was too high?

What would have been a fair fee in your mind?

I suppose it is possible a mistake could have been made, etc.__

They may be asking to reduce the fee. If they are a senior citizen over the age of 65, you can tell them they are entitled to a five percent discount. For anyone else however, tell them, {{Mr(s). _, I know it may seem that way but our fees are really in line and we are proud of our fees.}}__

I’m glad you are concerned about the cost because that is one of our advantages for the quality work we do. People remember poor quality more than they remember a fair fee and Dr. really does quality work.__ Dr. is an excellent dentist and he has such a good reputation. He really tries to go the extra mile to take care of his patients. He is always available to you. Dr. Tooth is here on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays when necessary. He takes such good care of his patients.__

Back to the fees, Dr. Tooth keeps the fees in line in the acceptable (or average) range. He stands behind everything he does.


We charge very fair fees for the highest quality of service and treatment and we always go that extra mile to take good care of you. We will make sure you get the best of treatment.

If they insist your fees are higher than others, show them our fee comparison schedules (which by the way, shows nothing about the high quality we deliver). __ Mr(s)., I am glad you brought that up and I appreciate how you feel. Our fees are very fair fees especially compared to others in this area and nationally. Here, I’ll show you a comparison of our fees with others if you like. (Show them a list of fees compared with other offices in the area and around the nation for the services they are getting.) Also, Dr. Tooth is well recognized for his excellent work. Our fees are not higher than others across the nation.Use the fee comparison schedules.__

If your fee is higher (which is very rare) say, Our fee is only two or three percent more than the average and less than the U.C.R. (Usual and Customarily Reported). We definitely do make the extra effort to give you excellent service and quality. Our extra service is worth more, but we don’t charge for it.


Are you concerned about a small extra fee, or the high quality of service? If you pay too little and don’t get what you need or want, you waste your time and money. You know, you get what you pay for.

It is very important to get why they are upset and handle it with good communication skills.

If They Want to Change Dentists Because of Fees

If you fail with the above say, Let me have Dr. Tooth call you. I know he will care how you feel. If they refuse, have the doctor call them anyway.

If they are really solid and will not budge say, I will tell Dr. Tooth and I know he will miss you. We’ll still have your records on file, so if you ever have an emergency or any problems at all, just give us a call. __ Join me in New Orleans for one of our Spice Up Your Practice seminars for many more practice building ideas, team training and organizational systems to grow your practice. Call me at 800-928-9289 or visit our website at I look forward to speaking with you.__


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